Diabetes Prediction Tool in Chronic Pancreatitis

Instructions: The tool is developed for diabetes prediction in patients with their first-time diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis (CP). Please enter the age at the onset of CP, sex, history of alcohol abuse, steatorrhea or biliary stricture before the diagnosis of CP, and inpatient treatment strategy at the diagnosis of CP. The 1-year, 3-year and 5-year incidence of diabetes will be calculated.

1. Age at the onset of CP:
<=35 Years >35 Years
2. Sex:
Female Male
3. History of alcohol abuse:
No Yes
4. History of steatorrhea:
No Yes
5. History of biliary stricture:
No Yes
6. Inpatient treatment strategy at the diagnosis of CP:

Pan J, Xin L, Wang D, Liao Z, Lin JH, Li BR, Du TT, Ye B, Zou WB, Chen H, Ji JT, Zheng ZH, Hu LH, Li ZS. Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus in Chronic Pancreatitis: A Cohort of 2011 Patients. Medicine. 2016 Apr;95(14):e3251.

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